Rex is not a Tyrannosaurus rex because each of his hands has three fingers. Tyrannosaurus had only two fingers on each hand.
Temperatures are rising world-wide due to greenhouse gases trapping more heat in the atmosphere.
• Droughts are becoming longer and more extreme around the world.
• Tropical storms becoming more severe due to warmer ocean water temperatures.
• As temperatures rise there is less snowpack in mountain ranges and polar areas and the snow melts faster.
• Overall, glaciers are melting at a faster rate.
• Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean around the North Pole is melting faster with the warmer temperatures.
• Permafrost is melting, releasing methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.
• Sea levels are rising, threatening coastal communities and estuarine ecosystems.
Things they have in common..
- Non living things and living things are made up of matter.
- Both occupy space
- The also have weight,colour,shape etc
- Both Non living and living things are characterized by their type..
The distance of the Goldilocks zone ensures that water on the terrestrial planet is maintained in the liquid phase. This is because the distance from the star ensure it receives enough sunlight to keep the planet warm but not too hot that the water exists as vapor. Water in its liquid form is essential for maintaining life like here on earth.
Littering and Destroying things. This affects the environment because animals could get ahold of the trash and you could me destroying their homes.