The primary way that farms in the south differed from those in the north is because the farms of the south raised cash crops using a plantation system.
Further Explanation:
In colonial America (1600-1775), slave labor was used throughout the 13 American colonies. In the North, slaves were used in industries such as shipbuilding. In the South, slaves were used for planting cash crops like tobacco, rice, and indigo.
Once America became independent and started developing its own rules, the views on slavery changed. After 1800, some states started to outlaw slavery while other states kept it. One of the biggest changes was that Southern states focused predominantly on growing one extremely important cash crop, cotton. America became the largest exporter of cotton in the world.
Despite the economic success, slavery brought with it many negative effects such as the mistreatment of African Americans, fights between abolitionists and pro slavery citizens, etc.
Ultimately, this institution would be one of the main factors in sparking the Civil War.
Learn More:
Slavery during the Civil War-
Key Details:
Topic: American History
Grade Level: 7-12
Keywords: cash crop, slavery, plantation
The Quartering Act of 1765 required the colonies to house British soldiers in barracks provided by the colonies. If the barracks were too small to house all the soldiers, then localities were to accommodate the soldiers in local inns, livery stables, ale houses, victualling houses and the houses of sellers of wine
The Quartering Act was passed primarily in response to greatly increased empire defense costs in America following the French and Indian War and Pontiac's War.
For the most part, this is true. This is part of the Code of Conduct. Judges use this with their Judicial decisions. Knowing their party affiliations gives insight into the majority of their values because each political party leans towards their true beliefs and influences. You can tell and conclude a lot of a judges’ values and beliefs by their political party choice!
The fact that the government is divided into three branches is known as the "division of power" - the power is distributed to avoid power abuse, so that no instance has unlimited power.
The fact that the three branches are overlapping is known as "checks and balances" - the branches check the other ones (whether their function is lawful) and balance each other.