En el siglo VII, los musulmanes habían comenzado una rápida conquista en la que ocuparon Oriente Medio
y el norte de África, llegando a la Península Ibérica a principios del
siglo siguiente, en el marco del último proceso expansionista del Califato Omeya de Damasco.
It's comunicas because the question is in the tu form.
You don't serve your family, or know them (because you already do).
1.What class do you have?
2.How are your classes?
3.Who are your teachers/professors?
4.How are your teachers/professors?
ANSWER: The answer is B. deportes de surf
this is because its asking for which of the flowing is a beach sport, and the answer is surf sport, or deporte de surf.
The words that would make sense are:
<em><u>¿Cuántas</u></em><em> </em>patas tiene un gato?
Uno, dos, tres y<em> </em><em><u>cuatro.</u></em>
The song means,
<u>"How many legs does the cat have?</u>
<u>One, two three, and four."</u>