The Great Emu War, also known as the Emu War, was a nuisance wildlife management military operation undertaken in Australia over the later part of 1932 to resolve public concern over the number of emus that were running amok in the Campion district of Western Australia.
<h3 /><h3>
Why was the Emu War started?</h3>
Around 20,000 emus were occupying the farmland of World War I veterans in Australia that why the Great Emu War began.
Thus, the Great Emu War, also known as the Emu War. Around 20,000 emus were occupying the farmland of World War I veterans in Australia that why the Great Emu War began.
Learn more about Emu War here:
Cus loyalist are the equivalent to Trump supporters.
A combination of unpaid loans, bad debts, and mass withdrawals
Deflation increased the real burden of debt and left many firms and households with too little income to repay their loans. Bankruptcies and defaults increased, which caused thousands of banks to fail. In each year from 1930 to 1933, more than 1,000 U.S. banks closed.
He was the Secretary of State
Because of the geographical position (India is between China<span> and </span>West Asia<span> and Europe) India always was icluded and made money from trade. </span><span>
India traded cotton, silks, dyes, drugs, gold, ivory, often earning great fortunes. From Middle East & Roman Empire, they brought back pottery, wine, metals, some slaves, and especially gold;
</span>Indian traders were selling West Asian glass<span> and </span>wool<span> to people in China, and Chinese things like </span>silk<span> and </span>pottery<span> to people in West Asia.</span>