hola buenas tardes sr. le quería pedir de favor en que si me podría dar un adelanto de mi pago por obvias razones ya que necesito el dinero, me podría ayudar en eso.
It is with no exaggeration when I say this, but I am, in the utmost, drowned with grief and despair at the crisis that my family is facing. My wife has recently contracted a lethal virus known as the "Plutonia Disease" that is currently peeling her lungs apart with it's bloody hands. As a result, our family income has dropped drastically, and with me earning minimum wage and has to uphold a family of four children and a sick wife, I fear that my strength will give in and sanity go mad. I beg you, Bosom, to have mercy and see the difficulties in my situation, and allow me to work more hours and pay me more in order for me to aid my wife and nurture the kids. I promise that this doesn't have to be lasting raise, but would merely be temporal as to allow my wife to get better, and then you can pay me at the normal wage. I beg for your consideration.