the Belmont report summarizes 3 principles for studies involving human subjects, these are; respect for persons, beneficience and justice.
the principle of justice demands that when studying a particular group it must have been assertained that the problem in prevalent in that ethnic group and that reasonable, non-exploitative, and well-considered procedures are administered fairly
Well, starting off with they were power hungry leaders and so therefore, they decided to spend all their tax money on building it up which eventually put them in debt.
Kashmir is known as an area in India which shares territorial boundaries with Pakistan. This area was the subject of ownership dispute by India and other countries such as Pakistan and China.
This area is known for its rich mineral and natural resources. It also has great monuments, hospitable people and local handicrafts, nice mountains and scenes for tourism and a rich wildlife.
The answer is : Glum Drops. They are the saddest candy since there is a play with words here. Glum means sad and Drops mean gum drops or candy. There was this math problem wherein you cross out all the letters with the correct answers and the remaining letters will form the answer to the questions.