These supporting details reveal the speaker of the poem thinks friendship is more constant than love.
The excerpt we are studying here was taken from Emily Bronte's "Love and Friendship". In this poem, the speaker compares love to a wild-briar, while friendship is likened to a holly-tree. Love, like the rose-briar, is intense. Its scent fills the air, and it blooms beautifully, but as soon as winter comes, it perishes. Winter is a metaphor for difficulties. In the speaker's opinion, love does not survive hardship. On the other hand, like a holly-tree, friendship lasts. It may not be as attractive as a rose-briar, but it is constant, and does not die during winter. Friendship is, therefore, more constant than love, and that is the main idea of the poem.
It all depends on what the picture might look like, either look at the body language or facial expressions.
Are the pictures Susan took of nature, people or objects?
Describe how it looks.
Another term would be a synonym or antonym
C<span>omprehensive list of synonyms for general </span>words<span> for </span>expensive<span>, by Macmillan Dictionary and ... formal used about something that is </span>expensive<span> but of very </span>good<span> quality ... A must for anyone with an interest in the </span>changing<span> face of language.</span>