i see the beautiful jungle
i smell the freshness of the air
i hear the sound of the animals
i feel the light summer breeze
i taste the juice of the fruit of the trees
i think calm thoughts
hope this helps
A top that is greater than the others on the mountain
Hi everyone, what are you all up to?
This sentence needs to be capitalized and have a comma after everyone to be grammatically correct.
(Yeah I get this isn't a question but I'm answering it properly anyway.)
The message is that everyone, both black and white has made some impart in life and thus wears a crown and was worthy of recognition.
In "The Crown," by Gary Byrd and Stevie Wonder, the history of humanity was traced to ancient Egypt and the Kings that ruled such as King Tut. These people made wonderful achievements in science and astronomy and how also built the pyramids. The song also talked about the origin of its writer. He came from a race that fought for their freedom and suffered in the hands of groups like the Ku Klux Klan. That is the black race.
He recognized the contribution of the black race to life. They first arrived the shores of America some 2,000 years before Columbus. Summarily, the song recognizes that we all have contributed to life in one way or the other, and as such, we all wear the crown.
Under the astonished, wide-eyed moon, with the fires casting strange shadows upon these towering figures, I am rather inclined to believe him.
Unlike the second to last sentence (right before the above written), this sentence gives the moon traits that a person would have. The second to last sentence (the one with "They walk") only <em>tells</em> the personification rather than <em>shows</em>.