In the poem "Afterwards," Hardy uses many euphemisms to refer to death. He never actually says the words die, dead, or death.
Instead, he says things like: "If I pass during..." Here, the term "pass" is replacing the word "die." He also uses the very wordy "When the Present has latched its postern behind my tremulous stay" (which basically means "When the present is behind me" or "When I am part of the past").
The effect of these euphemisms is to have a quiet, calming effect on the reader. If he constantly used the words "die" and "death" throughout the poem, the dreamlike quality of the poem would be altered.
Instead, using terms like "afterward" and all the other euphemisms allows Hardy to discuss death without actually discussing it. In this way, he wonders what the rest of the world will do "after."
3. Identify the only person on the island, aside from Peter and Cole, when the book concludes. 4. While on the island, Cole spends days creating a totem pole. He carves several images of animals to represent his experiences on the island. When Peter joins him, he
One change that is being implemented is that "school lunches are required to provide a specific variety of produce each week" (Rita 4).
Children who bought school lunches are "30 percent more likely to be obese" than students who brought their lunches from home every day (Newman 24).
Research has found that only 6 percent of all school lunches are considered nutritious (Gardiner and Mabel 401).
A quotation occurs when the author of a text wishes to use the words of another author, who are in another literary work. So that this practice does not turn into a case of plagiarism it is important that the author who will make a quote provides information that allows the reader to realize that a quote is being made, in addition to being able to know the name of the author and where to find the original text.
In this case, the MLA format states that for a quote to be made, it is necessary, first, that quote be placed in quotation marks. Then, it is necessary that, in parentheses, the surname of the author and the page number where the quote can be found are presented.
People have unalienable rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
This is one of the major ideas and philosophies from the Englightenment Era that inspired the founding fathers and DOI.