The ambiance, or surrounding mood, can have a great effect on people's thoughts regarding a location or idea. The last time I ventured out for recreational purposes, I went to the beach. The warm, sunny weather helped to bolster the stereotypical beach setting, as well as conform to my expectations. Similarly, the cool, refreshing seawater was an absolute joy to swim and frolic in. Finally, the restaurants by the beachfront provided a nice way to relax and enjoy the sunset while eating dinner. Altogether, these created a relaxed, enjoyable mood that put all at ease.
Calendar is spelled wrong. It says Calander is the sentence, while it should be Calendar.
I haven't been to high school or college yet... however I can relate to some of the information that you have provided I think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. God made you to be the person you are for a reason. He wants you to teach or help other people how to be a leader and not become a follower that makes bad decisions. I think that you would make a great study partner for your peers.