<em>“All too will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will, to be rightful, must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal laws must protect, and to violate would be oppression.</em>
<em>"But every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle"</em>
<em>"I shall find resources of wisdom, of virtue, and of zeal on which to rely under all difficulties"</em>
<em>"To you, then, gentlemen, who are charged with the sovereign functions of legislation, and to those associated with you, I look with encouragement for that guidance and support which may enable us to steer with safety the vessel in which we are all embarked amidst the conflicting elements of a troubled world"</em>
The answer is double jeopardy!
Los nómadas viven en un entorno más cambiante ya que la propia definición de nómada es de una persona que se mueve constantemente de lugar de residencia.
Esto debido a que los nómadas son cazadores y recolectores, aunque algunos también son pastoralistas, y otros ocasionalmente practican algo de agricultura. Los nómadas necesitan cambiar de lugar de residencia en el momento en que los recursos naturales que necesitan se agotan en un lugar específico.
Las personas sedentarias en cambio, basan su alimentación en la agricultura, y tienden con el tiempo a construir civilizaciones. Como la agricultura permanente requiere de un gran cuidado, éstas personas necesitan vivir cerca a sus cultivos con el fin de poder sembrarlos, mantenerlos, y cosecharlos.
The answer is B, the Indians were against the rule of the British East India Company, which functioned as a sovereign power on behalf of the British Crown.