A definition of a word that one would find in a dictionary is the word's Denotation.
A suffix ment of nouns, often concrete, denoting an action or resulting state ( abridgment; refreshment), a product ( fragment), or means ( ornament)
Suffix -tion. (non-productive) Used to form nouns meaning "the action of (a verb)" or "the result of (a verb)". Words ending in this suffix are almost always derived from a similar Latin word; a few (eg gumption) are not derived from Latin and are unrelated to any verb.
Fixed alleles in humans are alleles for which all humans are homozygous. Obviously, many human characteristics are not fixed.
What do fixed alleles mean?
An allele for which all members of the population under study are homozygous, such that no other alleles exist for that locus in the population.
because they dont kno where to go