Ecuador no envió delegados al Congreso de Cúcuta porque había vuelto a caer en dominio español en 1821. Al año siguiente, en 1822, Quito derrotaría por fin a los españoles.
Es por esto que en congreso de Cúcuta sólo participaron Venezuela y las Provincias Unidas de la Nueva Granada (la actual Colombia). La primera representada por Simón Bolívar, y la segunda representada por Francisco de Paula Santander.
Because he found out to make great cool discoveries the the invenstion of the bomb, but other scientists turned his discovery into a atomic bomb, which he thought was wrong. Thye soon blast the bomb on a country and he tried really hard to stop them but they didnt listen, soon countries developed their own bombs and shooted at the other countries threatiing them/
The Byzantine Empire important in helping spread ideas Technology, and religion to the rest of the world as many developments and activities that have changed history
It was their first protection line towards the Mongols that the Byzantine Empire claimed.
This caused the Byzantine Empire to be undermined further, it also managed to spread the bubonic plague that Romans introduced to the fleas and rats along dark net, leading to the Holy Land when merchants from Veneto and Italy brought it to the European market.
The Bubonic Plague was the onset of the medieval period and the culmination of the middle ages. During this time Germany progressed to the Renaissance and Enlightenment, when the technological advancement in Europe grew stronger.
Ultimately, it has served to break the loneliness of Western Europe and to expose it to the universe and commerce. This led to a number of incidents and changes that changed history, making the West become the world's dominant power.
To push for expanded voting rights for African Americans