Answer: Question 1: estás/ Question 2: Estoy, está, son / Question 3: está, está / Question 4: están / Question 5: están / Question 6: es / Question 7: es, es / Question 8: está / Question 9: está
Explanation: This is an excercise to distinguish between two confusing verbs in Spanish "ser" and "estar". In general, the verb "ser" is used for permanent situations and characteristics. That is why in Question 7 both blanks are filled with "es" (the verb form for the third person singular), as Martin is from Mexico (permanent characteristic) and he is her classmate (a current situation). In the case of Question 2 "ya son las ocho de la noche", it is a fixed expression used to convey surprise. As regards the verb "estar", it is used to indicate position, temporary situations or perceptions. Questions 2, 3. 4, 5, 8 and 9 indicate or ask where some person is (position). They have been conjugated according to the person in the sentence: estás: 2nd person singunlar vos (you), está: 3rd person singular el/ella (he/she), estoy: 1st person singular yo (I), and están: 3rd person singular ellos (they). Finally, Question 1 is a fixed expression "como estás" that means "how are you".
X whats no me gusta la capital y la verdad no es un poco de fútbol ni un solo jugador pero sí sí a los que se han jugado el juego de la selección española en la liga de fútbol de la liga española y de fútbol en el fútbol español en
What is the question here? Are you asking if the translation is correct?
"¿Preguntas una chaqueta nueva para la Navidad?" means "Are you asking for a new jacket for Christmas"
I'm not sure if that helps you or not, so I'm sorry if it didn't!
En el año 2000, salió al mercado el primer teléfono móvil con cámara. Era muy básico, pero comenzó una tendencia que dura hasta el día de hoy.
Talking about mobile phones with cameras