when we crossed Pp with pp out result will have a phenotype ratio of 2Pp:2Pp or Pp:Pp and genotype will be 50%Pp and 50%Pp.
The kidneys respond by returning less salt to the blood
A frameshift changes every codon past it. A base substitution only changes one codon.
DNA is comprised of nucleotides (A, C, T, G) that make up amino acids. Every three bases is called a codon and represents an amino acid.
In a frameshift mutation, a nucleotide is either added or deleted from the sequence. This offsets the entire sequence after it because the reading frame shifts. Here's an example:
If another T is added in between the first and second codons, then every codon after will be changed.
A substitution mutation is usually less severe, as it only alters one codon in the sequence. These occur when one nucleotide is replaced by another one. Here's an example:
Let's say the first G is replaced by a T.
As you can see, none of the other codons changed.
Typically, a frameshift mutation is considered worse than a substitution mutation.
A because yeast do alcholic fermatation in bread when you bake and some bacterias prokayotes live off it.
You could do this: do the same shape but one shaded and one not
To show that female expressed that trait
Hope this helps you