If this occurs, the bill becomes law over the President's objections. A pocket veto occurs when Congress adjourns during the ten-day period. The president cannot return the bill to Congress. The president's decision not to sign the legislation is a pocket veto and Congress does not have the opportunity to override.
After the rise of the Roman Empire they all slip up and many went to Europe.
Oral history is the transmission of historical knowledge orally over time. This means that the traditions, past, and historical events of groups of peoples are not written down in text or books but instead are transmitted through oral histories over time. Oral histories are common in cultures and societies all around the world including Sub-Saharan Africa.
Alexander Hamilton:
he was killed by aaron burr
he wanted a national bank
he wanted a strong central government
Aaron Burr:
he killed alexander hamilton
he owned slaves as servants
he was vice president for thomas jefferson