The current population of Russia in 2021 is 145,912,025, a 0.02% decline from 2020. The population of Russia in 2020 was 145,934,462, a 0.04% increase from 2019. The population of Russia in 2019 was 145,872,256, a 0.09% increase from 2018. The population of Russia in 2018 was 145,734,038, a 0.14% increase from 2017.
The constitution guards against the concentration of power by having established the separation of powers.
Separation of Powers, also known as "checks and balances" is the way in which the U.S. government is split into different branches:
- The executive branch (the president)
- The legislative branch (the house of representatives and the senate)
- The judicial branch (the courts and judges)
By having a separation of powers, no single branch can take over or build up too much power. Each branch has a different role in government, so no branch has power over everything; they all need to work together in order to make an efficient government.
I hope this helps you! Have a lovely day!
- Mal
Answer:Answer C
The purpose of Gulags was mainly economic and political rather than driving for illumination of supposedly interfere you’re racist like the concentration camps tried to achieve
German Americans were also detained. But only in certain places, in the US.