A diet combining legumes and cereals will have a good balance of essential amino acids
Cereals are grains that are rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, protein and other essential nutrients, they include wheat, rice, sorghum etc. Legumes include a wide range of seeds, fruits, nuts, vegetables that are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and other nutrients, examples include peas, beans, lentils etc.
Cereals and legumes are referred to as staple foods, they are usually used to complement each other because combining them will result in a good balance of essential amino acids. In cereals, lysine is a limiting amino acid but is usually in high amounts in legumes. However, in legumes cysteine, trypthophan and methionine are the limiting amino acids but are found in cereals. Therefore, this makes legumes and cereals complementary in the diet as it significantly increases the protein quality of the diet.
Effective food supply was most likely an effect on society that resulted from improvements in blood handling during World War I and World War II.
12-day litter weight is a trait that has an important genetic influence and therefore also a high response to selection
Heritability is a statistical measure of how much of the variation in a given trait can be attributed to genetic differences and how much of trait variation is due to environmental factors. A heritability value close to 1 indicates that almost all of the variability is due to genetic factors, while being poorly influenced by environmental factors. In this case, 12-day litter weight is a trait that exhibits an important genetic component (i.e., a high heritability value), thereby the correlation between parent and offspring will be high and lines selected for this trait will show a high response to selection.
The answer is (1) !!
it is one direction, from sun to produces to consumer !!
A. True
The result indicates that taking calcium has no effect on the development of osteomalacia in the women. This is because, of the over 120 women placed on the calcium supplements, it happens to be minimal number of people ( less than 20 people) that develop the osteomalacia disease of the bone.