Jacques- Louis David wanted to unite classical paintings and subjects with a precison that could only be described as linear.
Arid and semi-arid regions often have to go through long periods of drought.A drought is basically a situation in which an area of land gets insufficient rainfall, causing a lot of suffering to those who inhabit these regions. Some of these drought-prone areas include deserts of Australia, parts of India and Sudan among others.
The correct answer is D. Lake Texoma.
Lake Texoma is a lake artificially created by the Denison Dam in 1944, fed by the Red river on the border between the states of Texas and Oklahoma, situation for which it gets its name. Its creation was carried out by the Army Corps of Engineers with the purpose of increasing the humidity of the lands in the region, which in itself is one of the most arid in the United States. Today it is an important tourist spot in the region, given the absence of other important waterways.
Yes they did it helped them a lot