As a result, Elisa devotes all of her energy to maintaining her house and garden. The pride she takes in her housekeeping is both exaggerated and melancholy. Although she rightly brags about her green thumb, Elisa’s connection to nature seems forced and not something that comes as naturally as she claims.
a sentence usually missing one or more. of three components: subject,a predicate and. a complete though.
4, it shows her eagerness to convince Lysander that she is faithful and sincere
1. The speaker wants the rest of the world to acknowledge and reflect the magnitude of the speaker's loss. The poem thus suggests that, whether you've lost a loved one or had your heartbroken, part of what makes grief so terrible, so hard to endure, is the isolation it creates.
1. Since research papers are usually lengthy, a “table of contents” could help the reader navigate through the paper in an organized way.
2. Headings above each section could provide a simple, clearly defined format that works to break up the dense paper into distinct portions.