Generally speaking if time is on the x-axis and the thing that’s changing is on the y-axis, a steep curve would indicate a rapid rate of change.
Decomposers break down the remains of producers and consumers.
When a primary tumor spread it called methastastasis
Answer and explanation;
Nucleus; houses a cell's DNA and its processes include protein, replication and packaging for cell division. It is also the site for transcription.
Cytosol; coordinates a responsible to the environment, metabolism and motor proteins.
Endomembrane system; includes the nuclear envelope (surrounds nucleus), rough and smooth ER, golgi body, lysosomes?vacuoles, peroxisome and plasma membrane.
Semiautonomous organelles; mitochondria (animals) and chloroplast (plants) which provide energy for the cell.
Foresters are responsible for determining areas that can be harvested sustainably and helps monitor areas to be harvested. Foresters determine which areas have trees that can be removed without causing harm to the environment and ensures that areas are not overharvested.