Note to friends: a note is informal and straight to the point
Hey. I know we had plans but there's been a change. I got in trouble a while back and my parents are sure of me going out. I've been trying everything, from doing all of my homework, getting good grades, and even doing extra chores. I will try to convince them to let me hang tonight. Talk to you soon and I'll keep you updated.
Letter to parents: Formal and well-planned
Dear Mom and Dad,
I understand that you may still be upset that I messed up. I am truly sorry and I promise it will never happen again. I am writing this letter to ask you for leniency in your rules. I understand that I must suffer the consequences of my actions, but please consider the fact that I have never been in trouble before. I assure you I have learned from my actions and these things will never happen again. I am asking for a latter curfew hour and more days to spend with my friends. I ask that you think hard about this and consider the facts.
Thank You,
(Your name)
meaning and causes of road accidents
Road accident is most unwanted thing to happen to a road user, though they happen quite often. The most unfortunate thing is that we don't learn from our mistakes on road. Most of the road users are quite well aware of the general rules and safety measures while using roads but it is only the laxity on part of road users, which cause accidents and crashes. Main cause of accidents and crashes are due to human errors. We are elaborating some of the common behaviour of humans which results in accident.
1.Over Speeding
2.Drunken Driving
3.Distractions to Driver
4.Red Light Jumping
5.Avoiding Safety Gears like Seat belts and Helmets
6.Non-adherence to lane driving and overtaking in a wrong manner
Various national and international researches have found these as most common behavior of Road drivers, which leads to accidents.
can you help on this
Which answer best eliminates wordiness in this sentence?
There are many ways students who are interested in algebra can practice outside the class if they want to.
Students who are interested in algebra can find many ways to practice it outside the class.
If they want to, there are many ways students can practice algebra if they are interested.
Algebra can be practiced many ways outside the class by students interested in it.
There are many ways interested students can practice algebra outside the class.
The setting of "the most dangerous game" was a isolated island that was dense with trees, had large amounts of swamps, and quicksand.
hope this helps