Las palabras que acompañan a los sustantivos son los adjetivos.
Estos expresan una cualidad de la cosa designada por él o para determinar o limitar la extensión del mismo.
Answer: The goal of the 1990 Encuentro in Ecuador was to gather indigenous people from all over the world and represent their countries in order to plan strategies for the future and defend their rights.
Explanation: The Quito Encuentro of 1990 was a movement that had the purpose of getting justice for the Native Nations of Turtle Island. This movement was particular since it was the first time that indigenous people from all around the world reunited without any support from the government. Their main goal was to represent their countries and claim a system in which they had equal rights.
Visitar el bosque el imposible
Visitar una finca de café.
omar el trena a las nubes.
Esquiar en la nieve.
Ir de compras a un mercado de frutas.
Visitar el desierto.
Ir as las ruinas de Montalbán.
ver como hacen textiles.
Ver un glaciar.
Montar a caballo en la playa.
(It's multiple choice)
The answer is Ella “admira”