having a school library would be a great benefit instead if borrowing books you can stay in the library and study whenever you have free periods at school and it will be easier knowing that you can study in the library where there isnt much distractions because at home there are so many distractions like for e.g: a younger sibling, your neighbours,commotions, or the television
Uhh sorry i dont speak the language you’re speaking
you should start it with an opinion. for example : Romeo and Juliet was the most tragic love story in history. (or if you disagree) Romeo and Juliet was the most simpleminded story ever! after that you should use some evidents to back up your claim. basic reasons why you think what you think. I hope i helped <3 (writing is sumthin dats simple for me lemme kno if u need anymore help)
it would be id i believe since it has nothing to do with his ego. so it would eliminate both ego and superego.