Organisms form carbon film when sediments cover the organisms and decay of organisms form hollows.
The answer is all of the above except for PRODUCER- DONT PUT PRODUCER
Fungi are important decomposers, especially in forests. All animals are consumers, and they eat other organisms. Fungi and many protists and bacteria are also consumers. Fungi and many protists and bacteria are also consumers.
TRUE- The Lord said to the serpent “because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals.”
Lysosomes have the function of digesting substances, this function allows it to be involved in the removal of the interdigital membrane of the developing mammal fetus.
Lysosomes are organelles formed by numerous digestive enzymes. These enzymes allow lysosomes to be able to digest substances and even cellular apparatus, when needed.
The digestive function of lysosomes can be observed in the removal of the interdigital membrane of the developing mammalian fetus, by the action of digestive enzymes that have the ability to remove this entire membrane and any other undesirable tissue for the next stages of development of the fetus.
None of the choices would lead to all identical gametes.
Gametes are sex cells produced by sexually reproducing organims via a process of cell division called MEIOSIS. Meiosis is a cell division process which produces four (4) daughter cells (gametes), which are genetically different from the parent cell.
The difference in genetical content is as a result of a process unique to only meiosis called CROSSING-OVER OR RECOMBINATION. This process ensures that the genetic content of the gametes are altered. Hence, since gamete formation is done via meiosis, none of the scenarios in the option will lead to all identical gametes.