America needs to adopt a universal healthcare system because health care is a right that all Americans deserve and too few have.
45 million Americans lacked insurance in 2005. That’s over fifteen percent of the population. Young workers who are beginning their first jobs are hit the hardest. More than one-third of Americans who are between the ages of nineteen and twenty-four are uninsured. This is because most insurance is provided through a person’s job, and entry-level jobs, such as those young graduates accept, do not always include health insurance benefits. In addition, healthcare costs are currently rising faster than inflation, which means that salary increases cannot compensate for the higher prices of health care, even for those who are insured. Government regulation and a universal system could help keep costs affordable. Identify the claim.
A - health care is a right that all Americans deserve.
B - 45 million Americans lacked insurance in 2005.
C - young workers are hit the hardest.
D - entry-level jobs do not always include benefits.