Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus, but Aphrodite did not enter into this union of her own volition. She and Ares conceived Harmonia, who eventually married Herodotus. She was the mother of Hermaphroditus by Hermes. Aphrodite and her son Eros (Cupid) teamed up to cause Zeus to fall in love with a human named Europa.
When i present things i first like to write what im going to say on note cards then i practice with my family then once i got everything ready then i just rewrite the topics that im going to be presenting about instead of just reading off of the note cards then after i do that i just keep reading what im going to be sayin g so that i dont miss anything.
Hope that this help you
Answer: The best way to revise the summary accurately and objectively is: C. Death is the great equalizer. “Death Conquers All” identifies the theme of the play “Hamlet.” In the play, death plays a very important role.
Beowulf can't believe his armor to his son because he doesn't have an heir.
Lady Macbeth is introduced to the audience as ambitious and fierce. She refers to Macbeth as, “too full o’ the milk of human kindness” which means that he is to soft-hearted and isn’t savage enough to get what he desires.