If you're asking for the Spanish pronouns, here they are!
-yo (I)
-tú (you, informal)
-él (he)
-ella (she)
-nosotros (as) : we
-vosotros (as) : you, plural, **ONLY USED IN SPAIN**
-usted (you, formal)
-ustedes (you, formal, plural)
-ellos (they, masc.)
-ellas (they, fem)
If I missed anything, sorry~!
Maribel, ¿tú irás también al restaurante con tus padres?
I hope this help you
It is popular because it is the biblical burial site of the Apostle St. James
Santiago derives from the name Jacob which was Hebrew.
Festival of Apostle which is one of the most popular festivals.
Pilgrims often go to this festival as well as Galicians. There are firework shows and as well as traditional music.
Not much I would have to say 2 percent had a majority influence from Spain.