The correct answer is option e. "None of the above".
The Hershey-Chase experiment helped to prove that DNA was the genetic material, by specifically labeling the DNA material of a bacteriophage with phosphorus-32. In this experiment the lambda phage is labeled with heavy and light Cl. CI-36, the one that is heavy and radioactive, corresponds to Chlorine-36. Chlorine is not an element found in DNA such as phosphorus, therefore lambda DNA will not be labeled and no radioactivity will be detected.
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu adapted "variolation" instead of "vaccination" to prevent smallpox in her children. She learned about it when she was in Constantinople (Turkey) with her husband. There, prisoners were intentionally inoculated with smallpox virus under their skin. When she saw that they didn't develop the disease and were among survivors, she inoculated smallpox virus to her children (son and daughter) as well using a needle. Later on, efforts of Edward Jenner towards vaccination were also recognized and it became a fashion to inoculate smallpox as a preventive measure.
This means that only 1.5% of human DNA has amino acids