um i know that number one is tres but idk about the rest sorry.
1. La estación de ferrocarriles/tren
2. Subir
3. Bajar
4. La ventanilla
5. El anden
My explanation is that tren is train for Spanish and subir is get in, Bajar is get off , la ventanilla is window and el anden is where you wait for the train
Answer: Multiple cropping and use of modern farming methods are two different ways of increasing production on the same piece of land. e.g., (i) Multiple Cropping When more than one crop is grown on a piece of land during the year it is known as multiple cropping.
Write c if they are successive events or s if they are simultaneous. That's Escribe c si se trata de hechos sucesivos o s si son simultaneos.
in english
Translate this to english i could be able to help u out