The speaker commands the instruments to play loudly. He imagines the sound bursting through a "solemn church", scattering the congregation, into the school where the scholar is studying. He imagines the sound disturbing a bride and groom. He commands the instruments to play so loudly that it changes that they disrupt everyone's life.
The author intended to invoke the enviroment of war without speaking about soldiers. He uses onomatopeia and enphasis in certain words so that the speaker, whilst reading the poem, could also imagine the drums playing.
That which is "solemn", "quiet", and "peaceful" is meant to be disturbed, to be changed by the loud instruments playing.
In compound sentence, there are two independent clauses that are joined using a coordinator. While in complex sentence, there are two or more clauses with one essentially an independent clause while there can be on or more dependent clauses. The difference between compound and complex sentence is that there is no dependent clause in compound sentence and at least there is one dependent clause in complex sentence.
I feel as if the answer is C - "Daylight is experienced in business ventures."
Since, in the passage it states multiple times of Daylight's construction plan.
If you have any questions on this, just message me back.
I can answer rising action
It’s everything that happens before the climax.
Hol stands for Human Occupied Landfill Miscellaneous.