Runes are the letters of the alphabet used by the Norse Vikings (located in northern Europe).
Pride, power, military, and the assassination of this person I can't remember
So I actually have a Social Studies book from my old school, lucky for you, we got to the Cold War.
Here's what the book stated:
One of Reagan's proposals was the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). He believed this defense shield could make nuclear war impossible, but the unlikelihood that the technology could ever work led opponents to dub SDI "Star Wars."
Also, I do know that this is also found on another website but thats probably where the book's information came from.
They learned to read and stuff.
I would probably say "C"
"B" is unlikely as he lived in New York, a more modernizing state, while those in favor of farming lived in the South.
"D" is unlikely because he stood with the Federalists, who believed in a strong central government. Anti-Federalists believed in strong state governments.
"A" would be my second choice, but "C" makes the most sense as Hamilton dealt mostly with economics. He was the first Treasury Secretary and he established the first national bank.