Sacred music in the Middle Ages was exclusively vocal. They refused musical instruments. Sacred music was solemn, strict, completely different from secular music. There was no division into musical measures, and no fixed rhythm.
Intuitism limited the use of instruments exclusively to support the singing of words, so that their meaning was well understood by listeners, and the souls of believers were sent to contemplate spiritual objects.
Implementing an executive order.
Executive orders are orders issued by the President to the executive branch that carry the force of law. That is, the branches are required to implement the actions of the President's executive order.
I have a very good feeling the answer is ( a )
Becase the in support peace
Frederick Douglass hoped in the future there would be
equality for all races. To achieve this dream, Douglass believed that education
was the key to attaining equality and bright future for Black Americans. Though Andrew Jackson was a slave holder, he
too had hopes for the future of the United States. This was through expansion. Jackson believed that it was America’s
destiny to rule over the entire continent.
This was later carried out by President Polk who promoted westward
Your answers are A, C, and D :) I just got this test done and these were the correct answers :) Just incase anyone says its false I have the screenshots lol :P