An abandoned house somewhere that has been deserted or left for an extended peroid of time
When Phoenix takes the nickel that has fallen from the hunter's pocket but later chastises herself for doing so, this tells us that she has a conscience.
She feels bad for taking something which is not hers, but rather belongs to someone else. Her conscience is guilty because of that action, and she keeps thinking whether it would be better if she never took that coin in the first place.
The major scale is played as Tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone, this is equivalent to WWh, WWWh, so the major scale matches with the second option.
The minor scale is played, using the notation in the options, as:
WhW WhWW, so this scale matches with the first option.
The harmonic minor scale, the seventh is raised one semitone, so the right option is the fourth option.
The ascending melodic minor is the left option, the third one.
The correct answer is <span>Johann Pachelbel</span>
4 beats
a sixteenth note is 1/4 of a quarter note so its 1/4 of a beat
a eighth note is half of a quarter note it is 1/2 a beat
a quarter note is 1/4 of a whole note so its a quarter note
a half note is half of a quarter not=2 beats