1 ) buprenorphine treatment
2) Convenience goods and services
3) furniture
4) electrical goods
5) hairdressing,
Threshold is the minimum population and range is the maximum distance needed to sustain a good. As such, it'd make sense for buprenorphine treatments (a rare service) to have a low threshold since not too many people will be buying it, but it's still sustainable since it's expensive.
"Medium" is a loose definition so I would say any convenience good or service would be good for this one.
Furniture would have a large threshold because a lot of people are moving and in need of furniture.
People are willing to travel great distances to get electrical goods because they're specialized goods and you can't just find them anywhere, thus, it has a large range.
Things like hairdressing aren't worth traveling great distances to receive so they have a small range.
Because I watch criminal minds
Alice wants to use a three-step process to summarize a text she has read. She starts by determining the most important point. What is her second step?
including supporting details
identifying key words
writing a conclusion
putting the main idea into words
Political system of collective ownership of property; population is of one class.
Communist Manifesto
Book by Marx urging workers to overthrow upper classes; textbook for communism and socialism.
One who disagrees or has a difference of opinion
Free Enterprise System
Political system in which the government allows citizens to own private businesses for profit.
Secular rather than godly; promoted during the Renaissance; putting more emphasis on mans will.
Of Reformation in England
John Milton's writing on the preference of a commonwealth over a monarchy.
A basic rule of standard.
A revival of art and learing arising between the 14th and 16th centuries.
The Origin of Islam: According to Secular History. The origin of Islam can be traced back to 7th century Saudi Arabia. Islam is thus the youngest of the great world religions. The prophet Muhammad (circa 570-632 A.D.) introduced Islam in 610 A.D. after experiencing what he claimed to be an angelic visitation.