Destruction of houses, factories, railways and in general all kind of infrastructures needed to get food, shelter, sanitation and jobs; these destructions affected the civilians in a specific hard way because as a consequence they weren't able to obtain the necessary means to survive
the US is a federal republic and a constitutional representative democracy
<span>Immigrants agents are responsible for identifying, investigating, and dismantling vulnerabilities regarding the nation's border, economic, transportation, and infrastructure security. They may be interested in </span><span>who paid for an immigrant's passage and how much money the immigrant had prior to arriving in the country, to determine the security threat or economic struggles that the immigrant would bring to the country.</span>
I don’t get the question or maybe this not a question
Where is the question you are just telling the things not asking question
It makes sure you have the right to trial a trial, so you can't just be arrested prosecuted without a reason