The second for loop does 1 of 4 iterations for every 1 of 5 iterations of the parent loop. meaning it is 4 x 5 which is 20.
For 1.
Positive correlation means if you plot a country's population and land size on a graph. There would be a linear regression line that's sloping upwards.
Since it's a scatterplot, there will be some that fall out of the line, but most of them should be on the line.
It's (A)
For 2.
An outlier is a datapoint that's far, FAR away from the others, so it's (B)
For 3. (A), it's a single line-of-best fit that runs through the middle of the cluster of data points.
integer userInput
integer i
integer mid
integer array(20) number
userInput = 1
for i = 0; userInput >= 0; i = i + 1
if number[i] > -1
userInput = Get next input
number[i] = userInput
i = i - 1
mid = i / 2
if i > 9
Put "Too many inputs" to output
elseif i % 2 == 0
Put number[mid - 1] to output
Put number[mid] to output
slide sorter view
Explanation: while you can use 3/4 of these options to reorder slides, it is more common to use slide sorter view.