If we're comparing the lives between human and plants, plants don't have as much freedom. They're stuck in one spot unless moved by someone or something else. Things may feel uncomfortable due to the fact that plants are basically suffocate in dirt. Also many plants are edible so...
I wake up and feel vibrations traveling up and down my skin, and immediately get excited. I yell for my family to wake up. Today is picking day! We have lived in this same place for so long. I like it and everything, but I cannot wait to see the outside world. I hear that there are people, and wind, and water...The only water we get down here is what trickles down from the top soil. That is to say, not much. Overall, it is pretty comfy down here. It is like being wrapped up in a big brown blanket all the time. Sometimes we will have these odd looking creatures travel by us. They are long, pink, and kind of squishy. All they do is burrow around in the dirt, occasionally stopping to rest. It is nice, because their tunnels allow my little roots to pick up some fresh air. I keep thinking about my life when I feel it! A hand wraps around my leaves, and pulls me right from teh ground! Weeee! My eyes are exposed to the outside for the first time. My, is it bueatiful. I see trees, the tops of my family, and so much more. The biggest thing is right next to me. I see it comming closer and closer. It is a big hole, with a pink think moving around inside. There are also white nubs everywhere. Wait. Oh, No! It is a mouth! They are going to eat meee......