D. Codominance
Codominance is when both alleles are expressed with the resulting phenotype being the intermediate of the two. For example, red and white phenotypes results to a pink one.
Is veins in charge of transporting the blood
RNA polymerase binds to the promoter
Polymerase initiates RNA synthesis at the start point on the template strand
RNA polymerase moves downstream unwinding the DNA
RNA transcript is released and polymerase detaches from the DNA
The pre-RNA undergoes processing
The promoter is the specific DNA sequence that serves as a binding site for RNA polymerase. The enzyme RNA polymerase recognizes the promoter sequence and binds to it to begin the process of RNA synthesis. The process of RNA synthesis begins at the start site where the process of the unwinding of DNA duplex is initiated.
The unwinding separates the two DNA strands at the start site where RNA polymerase begins the process of synthesis of the new RNA strand. The newly formed RNA strand and RNA polymerase are released from the template strand after the termination of the process.
In eukaryotes, the primary RNA transcript undergoes the process of splicing of introns, the addition of poly-A tails and 5' cap which in turn transform it into the mature mRNA.
Errors can occur when the chromosomes segregate into the gametes during meiosis resulting in egg or sperm with too many or too few chromosomes. As a result, fertilised eggs and the ensuing embryos may have trisomy (an extra chromosome of a particular pair) in each cell or monosomy (one chromosome fewer in each cell).