I would say that the best tools for establishing and preserving freedom are the Constitution, courts, and legislature in general.
The Constitution is a set of laws that all people within one country should follow and it is a document which guarantees their freedom and equality. Courts and other laws do the same thing as well.
Gerrymandering is the dividing of a state, country, etc. into electoral districts so as to give one political party a majority in many districts while concentrating the voting strength of the other party into a few districts as possible.
The part in control uses it to control the voting district by “cracking” which means diluting the voting power of the opposing party’s supporters across an abundance of districts. Or use it as “packing” which means concentrating the opposing party’s voting power in one district to reduce their voting lower in other districts.
Growing Crops Such as Planting Them ..
i dont know the rest because im a rookie in boot camp but all i know its hard and at the end before you get your badge you go through The Crucible the he ll hole