From its earliest years, the Senate has jealously guarded its power to review and approve or reject presidential appointees to executive and judicial branch posts. In its history, the Senate has confirmed 126 Supreme Court nominations and well over 500 Cabinet nominations.
An "economic motive"-if we have to resort to definitions. -is that tendency in human beings to calculate the costs and the. returns involved in pursuing a certain desirable end and to choose. that line of action which will give one the greatest returns in propor- tion to the expenditure of effort involved.
The revolution which more directly captured the spirit of the Enlightenment was the French one. The French revolution was based on three basic principles: equality, freedom, brotherhood.
These three principles were also things which depicted enlightenment as a period extremelly well.
<span>(a) Organic Solidarity. Organic solidarity is social unity where labor results in people depending upon one another; contrasted to mechanical solidarity. This explains the things that bind an advanced, industrialized society. Preindustrial societies are different as they are societies which are not industrial.</span>
The Ems Dispatch was an internal message from the Prussian King to Otto von Bismarck in Berlin. The message ignited 1870-71 Franco-Prussian war.