adjective: lenient
(of punishment or a person in authority) permissive, merciful, or tolerant.
"judges were far too lenient with petty criminals"
synonyms: merciful, clement, forgiving, forbearing, tolerant, charitable, humane, indulgent, easygoing, magnanimous, sympathetic, compassionate, mild
"Brother Andrew was a lenient teacher"
antonyms: severe
You can clearly make out the poetic structures in <span>Sonnet </span><span>147. The first four lines are the quatrain wherein the rhyming has a pattern or ABAB. It is also in these lines that metaphors are used. The couple has a rhyming pattern of CC and is usually used to give a summary or an idea of the next image.</span>
A) one-half
You need the hyphen in between the one and half
I believe the answer is soap.