One of the obvious benefits of a mixed economy is that the free market aspect allows prices of goods to be determined by supply and demand. ... Another advantage of the mixed economy system is its capitalist approach to rewarding the hardest workers or the most efficient enterprises in the market
maybe you asked for-Why does a mixed economy fit in on the Freedom Score?
the answer is this will cause the suns rays to go through the earths atmosphere and heat up the planet causing it to become hotter.
we are causing this by our factory's and cars pollution.Causes : chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs), halons, and other compounds deplete the ozone layer.
Seems like an officer in the military i think.
The invasion of Kuwait led to a United Nations Security Council embargo and sanctions on Iraq and a U.S.-led coalition air and ground war, which began on January 16, 1991, and ended with an Iraqi defeat and retreat from Kuwait on February 28, 1991.