The comma goes inside the quotation marks.
Answer: Being a teacher can be hard but before you become one, you have a little help and time to understand the concept of what you want to become. i would consider to be a math teacher because math is an everyday thing. we use math even if we don't know that we are. i would accomplish this goal by studying the things i would need, or have to become the type of teacher i want. i will pay attention during classes even if they aren't what i could have imagined. as said before being a teacher can be hard and stressful but as long as we try hard then it won't seem that way anymore.
just express what you would desire. writing can be passionate if you want it that way. writing can be dull. we are all good writers we just have to find what lights our match. writing brings some people into a good place. writing can help us escape our problems sometimes. but most of all writing is within you. it can help clear your head when your not able to solve a problem. it soothes some people so remember when your writing a paragraph or more give it all you got.
That rush you get landing in Tilted Towers or pushing the last battle of the match isn't all in your head – but it does start there. Fast-paced games like Fortnite can trigger your brain's fight or flight response. Your body starts releasing hormones, like adrenaline, and your heart starts racing as you get into the match.
Your brain starts working hard, too. Any video game activates the visual-motor system of your brain – the regions that process what you see, and help you respond to it. But Fortnite also stimulates multiple areas of your brain as you combine aiming, strategy and building to win the fight.
All that hard psychological work means that when it pays off – by winning a fight or getting a Victory Royale – you get a big payoff. Specifically, good plays and wins trigger your brain's natural reward system, increasing feel-good hormones like dopamine and, overall, making you feel great.
On top of that, Fortnite is always changing, so there's always something new to explore. And a fast-paced match means the smallest mistake makes the difference between winning and losing – so you want to play another match because you were oh-so-close to victory.
'Their Eyes were Watching God' by Zora Neale Hurston is a story of a black girl named Janie and her lifetime experiences in realistic situations that are always prone to reflect problems for each one of us.
Hurston starts off the story with a description of how Janie lived with her grandmother until late teens and her ideas, personality and choices are very much based on this essence in her life. Janie being pointed out as a black in a photograph that she clicked with a group of white children makes her feel insecure, less confident and crucial with herself in her twenties.
In relationships, Janie starts to take decisions in a completely unconscious and emotional driven manner leading to sadness and grief later.
After Logan and Jody, Janie married Tea Cake despite knowing his unreasonable, unnecessary acts and habits. His selfishness, jealousy are all accepted by Janie though she suffers because of the same. Later in the story, his sacrifice to save her and dying in front of her, tells readers the main reason for us to understand that he is the right choice that Janie made better than Logan and Jody.