Creo que es un día alegre, ya que las personas recuerdan la muerte de sus seres queridos y los seres queridos vuelven a ver a su familia esa noche del año.
you can put (tengo clase de matemáticas en la mañana. Esa clase empieza alas 10.00am. Y acaba alas 11.00am
i dont know that is how i would say it i am latina but so we talk diffrent
DEPENDIENTE: A sales person.
REGATEAR: To negotiate the price of an article.
CAJA: A box where the sales person keeps the money of his/her sales.
BARATO: Something inexpensive.
AZUL: The color of the sky.
GAFAS DE SOL: An object that protects your eyes from the sun.
In the previous exercise, you must assemble the word so that it matches with its described meaning.
Success in your homework!
What are the answer choices I don’t any answer choices or picture
what do u expect us to do with this information luv..