People have money but rich people have more money than alot of other people
due to the style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words
that accent, inflection, intonation, and speech-sound quality manifested by an individual speaker, usually judged in terms of prevailing standards of acceptability; enunciation.
Do you think that Shakespeare’s plays still have value today, despite being hundreds of years old?
Answer: Shakespeare's plays still have great value.
Shakespeare's contemporary Ben Johnson wrote that <em>'He [ Shakespeare ] was not of an age, but for all time.' </em>Shakespeare died four centuries ago, and his plays remain popular even to this day. In his plays, Shakespeare includes complex characters that display certain personality traits also recognized in today's society.
Do you think that Shakespeare's messages about the themes listed could ever become dated?
Answer: Themes that Shakespeare explored in his plays are unlikely to ever become dated.
In his plays, Shakespeare explores a variety of topics such as death, love, betrayal, friendship, etc. These are some universal topics that will always occupy human mind. Moreover, his characters have complex personalities - conflicts between them resemble real life, and each one of us certainly sympathizes with at least one Shakespeare's character. Shakespeare left us a huge legacy which is unlikely to ever become dated or be equaled.