Some cities are densley populated becasue were they are located.
One reason is if its remote and doesnt have a lot of things humans need to surive.
And some is because there is more jobs and has better health.
Have a nice day
Less Developed Country (LDC) or Less Economically Developed Country (LEDC)
Environmental protection is the third pillar and to many, the primary concern of the future of humanity. It defines how we should study and protect ecosystems, air quality, integrity and sustainability of our resources and focusing on the elements that place stress on the environment
because altitude is where it the highest above sea level.
Along with the fact that the infrastructural and industrial levels of the African colonies was never really developed by Europeans, the many various and opposing ethnic groups had no one to keep them in check now. As a result many civil wars took place between different religions, specific religious denominations, and specific ethnic groups of said religious denominations. Also nearly all of the leaders that broke free of European rule were woefully unprepared to lead a country both governmentally and economically. All of these factors are what lead to Africa's current problems.