It's mainly about how life can be difficult and how sometimes you want to give up but you must continue, because you are the only one who can save yourself.
1 is C. Life
2 is D. Allegory
3. Is C.
Fort this question, you would need to think deeply and reflect on yourself but if it were me this are the answers:
It would feel unnatural like you possessed some being apart from yours. Your mind would try to process and try to play the role of whoever or what you imagined.
The benefit is the feeling of achievement like an alarming state where you are someone else. The instant challenge is to bring a sense of control in your current state
Digital History. Mark Twain called the late 19th century the "Gilded Age." By this, he meant that the period was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath.
The narrator's tone in the passage reveal the following about her perspective:
She will not let other people tell her how to dress.
She makes it clear that she does not like fashion and its dictates, and would rather dress modestly, which is what God tells people to do in the Koran, than following the "less is more" trend.