All Forms Are Valid
Assuming the traditional view of existential import, categorical syllogism has all forms valid.
The traditional view of A and E prepositions are areas where existential assumption arises from.
Categorical syllogism forms are all valid because all syllogisms which are of the same form are equally valid or invalid. This validity is as a result of evaluating the traditional view of existential import.
To truly evaluate the validity of categorical syllogism, the following can be carried out :
1. Make a drawing of three overlapping circles and label each to represent major, minor and middle.
2. Make drawings of both syllogism's premises
3. Without drawing anything, look out for drawing of conclusion. Conclusion is done without drawing anything.
Modest short term deterrent, but will need mass executions to be effective
The question has already been answered but I guess you need an explanation.
In the deterrence theory by Professor Land and his colleagues, they assumes that offenders are rational, I.e. they know the law and the penalties attached to defaulting the law..
They're are three points to take note of in this study;
1. For execution to have a deterrent effect, then it means a huge number of execution must have taken place
2. Most of any deterrent effect of execution of homicide occurs immediately after the execution is made public
3. 5 to 10 homicides would deterred in a year if there are 10 to 20 executions using 0.5 homicides deterred on a monthly basis.
The answer is Compliance, contribution and consequences. A practical basis for discussing mural issues involves taking account of answer effects, ideals, and obligations. In an organization, discussion of complying, contributing and knowing the consequences are important. This may result to progress for the organization.
Inadmissible, because prior bad acts cannot be admitted to prove the defendant's propensity to commit the specific crime with which he is charged
This is refered to as a group or a collective mass of things such as testimony and exhibits etc.
Trier of law helps to know what laws apply to the case, decides on what evidence is admissible, reviews written briefs submitted by both sides, gives legal points and authories relevant to the decision etc.
The role of prosecutor
They are responsible for filing of charges, trials, and appeals, review the actions of police officers, make judgements on whether they were appropriate etc.
The role of defense is responsible for trial strategy.
The evidence is admissible in court are only important evidence related to its admissible in court. In some few cases, relevant evidence will not be admitted in court.
A relevant evidence is inadmissible if it one is when the evidence found is in violation of the defendants constitutional rights or violations of the hearsay rule that state that information is opportuned.etc.