we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal
I think hope you get it right
In hunter and gathered societies women were thought to be incapable of doing the same activities as men, activitiers such as hunting or picking up fruits, hunting, bringing wood to make fire.
Women roles in such societies was to be in the house cooking and taking care of the family and children.
Women had to fight in order to vote and be able to participate in society as well as men.
Now adays women still have to fight to have the same rights as men in for instance salaries and jobs.
Women had to fight to have the rights they have now, and even though thingss have changed a lot is still to be done. Women keep fighing to be able to have the same laboral opportunities, and to be able to earn the same salaries as men, etc.
In old times, women were consider to be in the house taking care of the food, taking care of the kids and husband.
Why do we need Law Reform? Law reform is the process by which the law is modified and shaped over time to better reflect the social values that society feels are important. The law cannot stand still. ... Law reform is essential if the law is to remain relevant to a changing society.
I believe the answer is: Dictatorship
In a dictatorship, there is no separation of powers in the government, so basically the leader has all the power to create all the regulations that He want.
This leader usually would get away without scratch even if He kill his political opposition. One example of a dictator would be Adolf Hitler