the UMWA organized the district 21 branch of the united mine workers.
There are many disadvantages of exclusion in societies. One disadvantage is that social exclusion creates parallel sub-societies and sub-cultures within a society, that threaten the social order of a particular area.
Another disadvantage, related with the first, is that exclusion leads to little dialogue among different social groups. This can greatly increased social conflict, political extremism and radicalization, and in extreme cases, as history has shown many times, could lead to civil war.
Sensation Thinking
Myers-Briggs personality type indicator is a type of self-inventory. This personality is designated to find out the personality type, the strength and the preferences of a person. This test was invented by Isabel Mayer and her mother Katherine Briggs. This inventory was based on the work of Carl Jung's theory.
The scale has four different scales :
- Extroversion and Introversion
- Sensing and Intuition
- Thinking and feeling
- Judging and perceiving
Sensing and thinking:
These both categories are related to gathering information from the environment and depends on people and how these people use that sensation in judgment and making the decision.
After it has been tested and verified.